What Does Thru Mean in Golf

By Bob Williams

August 4, 2023

When you’re playing golf, one of the many things you’ll hear shouted around the fairways is “thru!”—but what does it really mean? In this article, we will break down what thru means in golf and explore its role on the course.

If you’ve ever felt confused or perplexed while hearing other players shout out this seemingly cryptic word, then keep reading to learn more about it and why everyone seems so excited to shout that they are thru.

Introducing the Basics of Thru in Golf

Golf is a game that requires precision and skill, but it doesn’t mean no one can enjoy it. One of the most important elements in golfing is the “thru” or follow-through, as it’s essential to a player’s overall performance on the course.

A thru is the continuation of the golf swing after impact, and it consists of maintaining balance, extending and following through with the arms, and transferring weight to the left side of the body.

Proper thru technique can allow players to generate more power and increase accuracy. Therefore, beginners must understand and practice the basics of thru in golf to improve their game and ultimately enjoy the sport even more.

The Definition of Thru and its Uses on the Course

Golf enthusiasts are no strangers to the term “thru.” It is a common term used on the course to indicate when a player has reached the end of a hole, allowing those behind them to play through.

Thru is also used on scorecards to indicate the completion of a round and whether a player finished the course or not. However, what is lesser known is that thru can also refer to the number of strokes a player is ahead of their competitors. Knowing the various uses of thru on the course can help golfers navigate the game easily and efficiently.

Different Types of Thru Shots

Just as with any shot in golf, there are several types of thru shots that can be used depending on the situation. The two main types of thru shots are drawn and fade. A draw is when a player intentionally attempts to have the ball curve or bend from right to left, while a fade is the opposite—the ball curves or bends from left to right.

Both shots require the correct technique and practice for desired results, but each has its own benefits and drawbacks, depending on the situation. For instance, a draw can help you gain more distance while providing accuracy, whereas a fade can be helpful when playing near obstacles such as trees or buildings.

Practicing Your Thru Shots in Golf for Maximum Accuracy

Now that you understand the basic concepts of thru, practice your thru shots to maximize accuracy. As mentioned earlier, maintaining balance and transferring weight to the left side of the body are important steps in executing a perfect shot.

Additionally, improving posture and developing a routine before each swing can help you gain more power and generate better results. Through practice and consistency, golfers will be able to make great strides on the course—and shouting “thru!” as they finish each hole.

Tips on How to Improve Your Thru Game

The thru game can be tricky to master, but with a few helpful tips, you’ll be improving in no time. Practice makes perfect, so it’s important to consistently hone your skills through drills, training, and games. Don’t be afraid to seek feedback from coaches, as constructive criticism can help identify areas for improvement. Finally, make sure to stay mentally and physically prepared by getting enough rest, eating well, and staying hydrated.

Common Misconceptions about Thru in Golf

Golf can be a daunting sport, with its myriad rules, jargon, and traditions. One term that often gets thrown around is “thru,” which refers to a player being allowed to pass through a hole after completing it, without having to wait for the group in front of them.

However, many misconceptions about this term are crucial for beginners and seasoned players alike to understand. Firstly, just because you are granted the right to play thru a group does not mean you are allowed to skip holes altogether.

Additionally, it is important to be respectful and patient while waiting for permission to play thru, rather than rushing ahead without proper etiquette. With these common misconceptions cleared up, players can confidently approach the course and enjoy a smoother, more enjoyable round of golf.


In conclusion, Thru in golf is a highly important aspect for serious and recreational golfers. A proper understanding of the basics of thru and its various uses on the course can make a huge difference in the effectiveness of your golf game.

With practice and dedication, you can develop your own unique technique to make the most out of every thru shot. Lastly, although there are numerous misconceptions about how to utilize this type of shot, you can easily become successful with good consistency and accuracy with your thru game. Keep in mind these key points when you’re out on the course or at the driving range and start bringing your A-game to every tee box!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does thru mean in golf?

A: Thru is a term used on the golf course to refer to when a player has completed a hole and can now proceed without having to wait for those behind them. It also refers to the number of strokes that are ahead of their competitors. Additionally, it is the continuation of the golf swing after impact. It involves maintaining balance, extending and following through with arms, as well as transferring weight onto the left side of the body.

Q: How do you use thru shots effectively?

A: Thru shots generally refer to tracking shots used in cinematography and photography, such as dolly, steadicam, or crane shots. When using any kind of thru shot, it is important to consider the desired effect and visual storytelling objectives. Additionally, practice makes perfect, so it’s important to consistently hone your skills through drills, training, and games in order to maximize accuracy.

Q: What are some tips on how to improve your thru game?

A: Improving your thru game requires goal-oriented focus, patience, and consistency. It’s also helpful to get feedback from coaches, as constructive criticism can help identify areas for improvement. Finally, make sure you stay mentally and physically prepared by getting enough rest, eating well, and staying hydrated. With these tips in mind, golfers can look forward to more enjoyable rounds of golf!

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